Mali Vir Eddy

Is the main man and driving engine in: Hackers garage, (Cybernetic LABo);
(Hyper Media) WEB&Tech🧠smart Studio – Lab At edoga.

List of topics and resources on this page:

(Here I’m considering User eXperience at this point depending on the origin of internet traffic. In plain words, how did and or why come here):

  1. User browsing the website, maybe got here from search result page
  2. User coming from other linked website or web application (mobile app, soc. platform etc.)

INTRO: Since recently I go live streaming to provide insight about following subjects and topics: coding (HTML, CSS, PHP, Js.. . ), digital illustration, doing business online, website and content monetization, Godot game engine, audio production and music mixing, experimenting with video production and editing softwerz, into gaming (old skul and contemporary), WEB3 and crypto curiously enthusiastic, hardware and networkz savvy . . . .


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