I really wanted to make alliance mark that would fit, like ones provided in game. Single colour white over transparent background.
I was not happy having just any image for the alliance mark in League of Kingdoms. One that would stick out of shield shape frame, like often seen in the game.
Anyway, to change alliance mark you need to swipe – scroll all the way to the right where the big blue plus shape button is and that is a one for uploading a custom image for alliance mark.
I just realized that there is a square shaped frame available for other image files without transparency.
I made it from by editing my custom image. I changed colours in image so that it looks well in black and white, and than deleted the black pixels.
Next thing was to get the shape and size of my image fit the placeholder in game.
So, I took a screen shot from game as a template and imported it in image editing application. In a separate layer, behind my image.
Using a magic wand tool on a sample screen shot from game I got the selection in shape of a alliance mark placeholder. With a command “convert marquee to path” or “path from selection marquee” I got a vector shape graphics object. That one I used to mask area of my image that I don’t need.
To get the right placement of a alliance mark symbol I placed my symbol inside image file with enough margin from the image file edges.
To get the right fit I saved and uploaded image with different sizes until I got it.
But there is a better, simpler way. And that is by first taking two screen shots from the game of a placeholder for the mark. One with default mark that look as intended. And second screen shot when custom non transparent image is uploaded. That way the game shows a preview of alliance mark with that image and reveals the required image resolution in pixels. I just remembered that now, after I did it my “die hard” way.
At the end I saved my alliance mark image using file format: PNG8, colour pallet “Black & White”, number of colours two, no (0) dither, with “Index transparency”, and maybe (can’t remember) I manually selected or added black colour to transparency.
That worked for me. The result is not perfect but good enough for now. As my image is not clean line art in style like ones in the game. But it is unique and mine is what it counts.
Editing alliance costs in game red crystals. Changing the tag is charged around 100, editing alliance name and the alliance mark symbol also 100 crystals. With a few mistakes there for a beginner player it’s bad exp. but it help censor trolling or other inappropriate user created content.
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